When a hetero sexual couple meets and claims that they have met their soul mate, everyone thinks it is so sweet. I know that it isn't a psychic thing to see soul involvement behind love. When a man and a woman pledge their love to each other, it is assumed and often flat out said that they pledge their love, fidelity, heart, and soul to one another.
I have so many different feelings and thoughts on the subject of Gay and Lesbian marriage. I tend to over feel and over think everything though. I will just start with; WHY NOT? Why? Why do so many feel they should have a say in who marries who? Because the church told them to? Because their friends told them to?
My feeling about this is that a great deal of the noise over the opposition of these marriages, is just noise. These are a great deal of people that are "going along." Just like in generations before, there is a social issue that so many know is wrong, but the most dangerous are the objectors. I also feel that these objectors are working from a place of anger, ignorance, and fear. That is a very dangerous place to be, it makes them dangerous people. The objectors to social improvement's often are the ones tying the nooses, the ones holding the bats, the ones carrying the rocks. The one that "don't want to get involved" see this and just "go along." Fear creates an awful lot of cowards. Cowards create an awful lot of bullies.
The reason I am pontificating about this today is because of the announcement by President Obama yesterday. I have feelings and thoughts about that too. Let me just say for those who don't know, I am not a fan of Obama. My feelings on him are a completely different subject however. Today I'm talking about his impact on the LGBT community.
NOT A THING. He believes; in my connected opinion, that he has had his President Lincoln moment. That his words are so profound that it will change the course of LGBT history. It won't, and this makes me greatly sad. He is, once again, working the room with a political hot button that he can exploit.
I personally believe, although some of my guides would only half agree with me, that he hasn't done ENOUGH. His saying that he "personally believes that Same Sex marriages should be legal," is wonderful. It is about time that someone with real power over the way history is written and the shape a country can take, speaks up! He just missed his opportunity.
Lincoln stood up and said 'IT IS WRONG TO ALLOW SLAVERY! All men are created equal, and we should fight for what the soul and heart knows is right.' Obama said, 'I believe this is right, but I'll leave it up to the States.' So he is removing the power behind his words. He will take credit, but fears any criticism.
He took half a step, instead of the two steps she should have taken, could have taken. He should have stood up and stated proudly, "This is a case of discrimination, this is a civil rights issue, this is an issue the federal government will say is wrong." Then it turns into how much do you believe the federal government should interfere in people's lives? When is the federal level or state level appropriate? The States are beginning to come down against LGBT marriages. They are wrong, so in my belief, when the teenagers (the states) are making the wrong decisions, the parent (the federal government) should redirect them to the right choices. Other than that, leave them alone.
Now back to the way I see LGBT communities. I have met some self hating gays, I have met some self hating Jews, I have met some self hating women, and blacks, and any other type of person you can put in there. Self deprecating self haters will always say the worst of themselves and be harder on themselves than anyone else ever could be. The self hatred is a lesson they are here to learn about, For. Them. Selves.
I see people as their soul. What are the lessons they are learning this time around? Being LGBT is not a lesson (in most cases) to be learned in a lifetime. I see LGBT's as being the most pure of souls. They love, they want to feel love, and experience it without judgement and exclusions. Why is that wrong. Love should not be dammed in and shielded from the world. This world could use more love, not less.
When people love purely, not conditional upon race, age, or gender, there is so much more capacity for greatness. The kind of love that we celebrate as Fairy Tales, and historical lessons, and even religious ante dotes, is what the blind are missing in this issue.
For some reason the human condition seems to be hard wired to immediately jump to "sex" in a relationship. I don't care what anyone is doing in their bedroom, I don't want anyone knowing what I'm doing in my bedroom, but more than that...... this isn't the real issue here. Marriage isn't about sex, plenty of married couples never or rarely have sex. LOL Really....
Obama saying that it was not a civil issue boggles my mind. I'm pretty sure I remember going to the city courthouse to get my "civil marriage licence." Doesn't that all by itself, make this a civil issue? I didn't get married in a church, I didn't feel the need. I'm extremely spiritual, not religious. I know that the universe and God love me, even if I don't ask the Church to bless me and my marriage. In many states, this is about the civil licence being with held and denied LGBT's
So let me reiterate. All my LGBT friends are easily some of the most amazingly loving people on the planet. It hurts me that people think of any of them as a "less than person" because of who they love. If all people are equal in the eyes of our government, why can't our Black president say so? I really do feel that soon, people will start waking up. They will see what is basically just the Church trying to retain control. When people are asked if we should allow LGBT marriages they say they don't care, when they are asked if there should be a law, they are disinclined to disagree with the Church. The Church will change with the times, they have in the past. They have many many many times. There are already plenty of Churches that don't have a problem with the lifestyles at all.