Spirit Photos and Orbs (feel free to send me yours, I'll post them)

This is my Great Grandmother Rose. The one that started speaking to me first. My introduction to the spirit world.

 My little ones have always had Orbs around them. I don't always believe that Orbs are spirits, sometimes it is just errant energy. But, it is still neat to see. If it were in a damp or dusty room I would dismiss them altogether. Dust and moiture in the air make Orbs also. So does shooting into the sun.

This is one of the coolest spirit photos I have ever taken. We were digging a rose garden out back. I was taking pictures of every step, like a before and after thing. I got what looks to me like grave stones. What do you see? To me the shape next to the Orb, looks like a head stone. There is one at the other end of the garden but it is harder to see.

This picture is at my cousin's house. I think that most people are sensitive, they just shut it out. Learning to fear it, or that only crazy can see, changes much of what we will accept. If you look on the door there is a person that is horizontal. VERY WEIRD! I have never seen an image of a spirit that shows up sideways like this. I have darkened the image and printed it so that I could get a good look at it. To me, it appears to be a woman with thin arms, holding up a stick to shoo the dog off the bed. It looks like my grandmother, who would do just that. But a very old image of her. The hem of the dress goes all the way down to the back of my cousin's shirt.

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