Tuesday, January 24, 2012


What motivates you? Do you even know?

I'm not talking about what gets you out of bed in the morning. That would be my children. In fact my children and family are motivators for the large majority of my day to day. I talking about, what motivates your reactions, more than your actions?

Several years ago my son was running down a hill. At the bottom of the hill was a lake. There was a fence between him and me, but my brother was standing by the lake. My son was running right toward the lake and I hear a voice in my head say, "he's going in, there he goes, in he goes, (insert light giggle) ok, he is going in." I wasn't panicked at all. I wasn't even really concerned. And I really did think it was a bit funny. He was three at the time and didn't know how to swim. In he went, my brother reached over and pulled him out by the foot and we wrapped him up in a towel. It scared him, it shocked him, and he learned a great lesson. Don't dive into water when you can't swim and you don't know how deep it is. He won't do that again.

A little while ago my daughter was playing with the neighbor, the mother came over upset that "the girls were missing." I saw a perfect movie of our neighborhood from a birds eye view and I knew exactly where they were. They walked around the block. The shouldn't have, it was wrong, they got in trouble, but I never panicked. I never thought they were in real danger. I knew when my daughter left to play that something was going to happen. I just didn't know what.

My guides, my inner voice, my intuition, the universe, what ever you want to call it; motivates me, guides me. So lately I've had a niggling feeling to "prepare." It is probably silly, but no harm can come from it so here I am.

For some reason that I can't name, I am being motivated or guided to buy things I normally wouldn't use on a day to day basis. I have a hurricane kit, but now I'm being drawn into making it much larger. I've purchased water purifying kits, rain water barrels, flint and fire starters. I've begun planning a vegetable garden, and thinking about what foods will store longer. I have so much rice and beans that my family would eat for 3 months. I hate beans by the way. I keep seeing those post apocalyptic movies in my head, where people can't find anything to eat, so they roast rats over a spit. I've started thinking about if the world completely fell apart what is the first thing I would run out and get? Medicines. I have several guns, but I'm purchasing a hand gun. I am a very good shot. I know I could protect my family. These are all things I've been doing and am motivated to do, without thinking about. I'm just moving in that direction, like I'm being herded in that direction.

BUT...... when I stop and think; when I look at the world logically; when I open myself up to everything and try to pull it all together; I only really expect a couple days of an "emergency event." What I worry about it stupid people. The great masses that completely fall apart when the world doesn't move along the status quo. The people that riot when the power is out for three days, that panic when the Internet goes down for a week, the people that steal TV's even when they can't possibly plug it into anything. The stupid people.

I don't follow the starts (astrology). I don't believe in dooms day prophesies.  I don't think the end of days is coming. I don't believe that Mayans thought the world would really crack open and end in 2012. However, I do think something is coming. As much as I move on intuition and my guides, I am logical and skeptical. And this is what I have been watching.

Did you know in 2012 their is going to be a planetary alignment that only happens something like, every 26 THOUSAND years? Most people don't. This is real science. So if you have all the planets lined up in a nice little row, what will happen? That is the tricky part! No one knows. The experts don't know. No, I don't think that the poles will shift, a common dooms day theory. No, I don't think that the skies will rain down fire and brimstone. I don't even think that there will be much reaction from the Earth at all. I do think we will loose some satellites maybe, and/or cell towers, and/or electricity. It could be three days, three months, or three years. I don't think this absolutely has to be a catastrophic event. BUT...... you mix stupid people in there and you have hell with shards of glass running around blind bumping into everyone..... Even if you remove any outside factor at all, I still fee like I have to gather food, prepare for a storm, and be ready to bunker down. I don't believe there can be any harm in preparing for the unforseen.  

My plan is to take care of my own. If it gets bad and you know me, you can join my compound, but you have to be useful. (I'm kidding) (sorta)

And Ammo, don't for get ammo!

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