Monday, October 22, 2012

Another round of Empath Yuckies (please send calm)

I have been getting the Empath Yuckies since I was a kid. I would start to feel like I was guilty and that I was afraid for no reason. That is how it started for me. I started questioning why I was feeling like this, digging through my memory for something I did wrong that I needed to rectify immediately so that feeling would go away. It wasn't until I was in my early 20's and worked for a very angry man that I realized I got really angry every time I was in the room with him, for no reason, that it wasn't my feelings.

Something that is very hard to explain to someone that hasn't experienced it, I don't just get the emotions of those around me. I physically feel them. When I'm talking with a person or a group and something is said that offends one of them it feels like I get snapped with a rubber band. When someone around me is made to feel really uncomfortable I get a pulling up my spine.

I tend to look at this all from a scientific perspective, so I recognize that the energy a person gives off changes with their mood. I can feel and gage that energy. Where most people walk right though it and feel nothing, for me it is like walking through a cloud of static electricity. We all know what static electricity feels like. Rub a balloon on your head. LOL

I've been working with my daughter to recognize her feelings and other people's feelings too. We've discovered she seems to have inherited most of my gifts. I am glad I can help her while she is so young though. Learning as you get older is really tough.

Recently I asked a question of a group of friends of mine. I feel really safe with this group so I don't usually shield very much when I talk to them. Mostly because they are my friends and if there is something they need me to see or be aware of, I want to be there for them. Well I was shocked at the response. I asked if anyone would discuss something with me that I thought was really interesting historically speaking. I know that the election is coming up, I get that people get very high strung when it comes to politics. But I have never attacked anyone over their political beliefs. I will attack someone that hurts my friends or family, but that is where I draw my line. In fact I have gone to bat and attacked for several of these friends. It was not anything they said, but I felt they expected that my intention was to attack political beliefs different from mine.

What I was hit with in response was so hurtful I actually called my best friend, cried and told her I didn't know if I could ever come back to these "friends." I suppose it is my own fault. Like I said I wasn't shielding, but I have always felt safe with this group. I was overwhelmed with such a strong and all encompassing hatred and anger, I have never felt anything like it. Physically I felt assaulted. I shut down. All the anger and hatred over the subject matter came barreling at me and ran me over.

I hunger intelligent conversation with adults and usually this is the group that I turn to. Now I'm questioning so much. Am I being led somewhere? Is this supposed to be a lesson for me to keep my shields up all the time? Maybe it's a lesson to them somehow? I wish these gifts came with a manual. If a psychic ever tells you they have it all figured out, they are a liar. 

For the last two weeks I have felt on edge and just plain sick to my soul. I keep waiting for an earthquake or some horrible natural disaster to hit to explain what I'm feeling. I think I finally figured it out. Maybe this is why I got the reaction I did to my request for conversation.

With the election coming up it really does not matter who wins. It doesn't matter what side of the isle you are on. The fall out from the election is going to be bad. On one side we have men and women ready to take up arms to protect the constitution, and on the other we have a large group ready to start rioting.

In my life time there has not been a time when the entire globe has been so over run with fear, hate, and anger. All this negative energy just feeds more negative energy.

So I have a favor to ask of anyone that might happen to read this. No matter what your political beliefs. Even if you aren't in the United States and the Presidential won't effect you. Please... everyone.... send out as much calming loving vibes as possible. We have to learn to keep our heads. The hate is winning, and personally it scares the hell out of me. I can feel it chewing my stomach and eating my brain.

Wednesday, October 10, 2012

Power of the Empathe

The empathe feels the emotions of others. This power is meant to guide by “listening” to these in need of aid. Once the ability is activated, its power can be difficult to endure. For the weak-minded every emotion will feel crushing. Ultimately, the fragile mind will collapse. Only through strong-will and control will you survive it.
 ~ The Conduit by Stacey Rourke ~

As a psychic I sometimes read books that have these abilities in them and I scratch my head. Where do authors get their ideas? Recently I read a wonderful book by Stacey Rourke, The Conduit. It is the first in The Gryphon Series. Many authors like to glamourize all things related to psychic abilities. This book by far is the closest to reality that I have ever read, in Celeste’s abilities she has to learn to use them, just as I did. Her first ability is as an Empath but she gets lots of other cool super hero type stuff too. LOL  This is an amazing series and I insist you all run and get your own copies as soon as possible! This is a fiction series but I love the fact that the psychic side hit so close to home for me. So I decided to ask Stacey how she came to write the Empath so well.


Can you tell us about the series?

It centers around a creature known as the gryphon. Three siblings are bound to him through a Celtic pact their ancestors made. Older brother Gabe gets the ability to shapeshift into a lion, little sister Kendall grows the wings of an eagle and Celeste, the middle child, is the Conduit of the Gryphon. He gives her whatever power she needs in life threatening situations, which is good considering there's an army of demons out to kill her.


How did you settle on the gifts of your characters?

It started with the pieces of the Gryphon-his lion side, his eagle side, the strength that defines him. But as I got to "know" the characters I realized the anger Gabe was harboring and I thought it would be interesting to make Celeste an empathe so she could learn something about someone so close to her that had been bottling his feelings up for way too long. He's in emotional turmoil, but no one really knows because he insists on being Mr. Macho. That idea intrigued me.


Do you know anyone with the gifts, or do you have any yourself?

 I have known people that are intuitive to a degree that really makes you wonder how much deeper that talent really lies, but that's about it.


I love your description of meditation in the first book. Do you meditate, or did you research it?

Actually I am very much Celeste in that scene. I have tried meditation...repeatedly. Unfortunately, just like Celeste, my inner monologue wouldn't shush long enough for me to appreciate it. I need to find my mental mute button.


Many authors put a piece of themselves in their books. What part of your books do you feel is a part of you?

My sarcasm, definitely. Also my willingness to sacrifice myself for those I love. I can totally relate to her feeling on that.


And finally how do you write the Empath so well?

I wouldn't call myself an empathe by any means, but I do feel I can tune into the emotions of others to some degree. For me it’s more physical cues and observation. I took that and amplified it by about a million. Where as some of us suffer a heart ache when we see someone we love suffering, what if we actually felt what they felt? If their pain became ours? Or to the other extreme to feel the giddy glee of another person? It would be so unsettling to have foreign emotions invading your body. I'm glad I captured it well!! Thank you!


I want to Thank Stacey again for visiting and letting me pick her brain. I have nothing but wonderful reviews about this series and you already know I love it! So go pick up a copy or two for yourself. And for those of you that picked up on it and wondered. Empath does have two different spellings. It's like color and colour. They are both right, it isn't repeated typos. LOL ;)

The Conduit on Amazon

Don't actually click the pic, it won't take you inside. LOL But if you go check out the Amazon page you can.

To check out a AWESOME give away for Stacey's book go to: Alli's Nook

Friday, September 21, 2012

Code of Ethics

I have my own code of ethics. I was curious if there was a "psychic code of ethics" out there. I was not at all surprised that everything I found was about taking money from people. I don't take money for readings, I only do them for friends and family. Mostly I just use my gifts for the lives around me. I only agreed with one of the listed ethics I found. The first on my list.

  1. Never claim to be 100% correct.
  2. NEVER "behave as if" or "fake it until you make it"
  3. Don't look into someones life unless invited.
  4. Don't use our own bias' or beliefs to taint a reading.
  5. If you don't understand what your seeing, don't try to interpret it, just tell them what you're seeing.
  6. Don't tell people what you know they want to hear.
  7. Never use the gifts out of spite or anger.
  8. If given the opportunity don't ignore the chance to help or protect others.
  9. Do not pray on people's beliefs about evil.
  10. Always hold confidences.
There is no such thing as a 100% accurate psychic. EVER. If they claim to be they are either a liar or completely delusional. Even if they get perfect information all the time, information sometimes comes in ways that is sometimes not for the reader to know, so it comes in a kind of code. I will see a scene or picture that will mean nothing to me. When I describe it to a person, they know exactly what I mean.

Many years ago I worked a psychic phone line and my supervisor told me to just start talking until the caller gave me hints as to what they wanted to hear. She used the words "fake it until you make it" and "behave as if." I think that is despicable. I have told people right off, "I'm sorry, I'm not getting anything." Sometimes it just is not the right timing for people to know. It is never okay to lie to someone coming to you for help.

A person with the gift should never go around looking into other's heads or lives. I believe that is right up there with rape. It is completely violating them. You don't do it with strangers and you don't do it with friends. If there is something I am "supposed" to know, my guides will tell me. I worked very hard to get my walls up so that things do seep in. I do occasionally loose control when I get very angry but that is why I don't get angry very often and never with friends.

The ones that can actually read someones desires or thoughts, I have seen them just pluck those out of people's heads and repeat them back to them. That doesn't make they psychic. That makes them a mind reader and a really horrible human being. A gifted person should never tell someone what they want to hear just to make them happy and get paid more.

One thing that I find unconscionable are those that will use the idea of evil to force others to keep returning to them for advice. Under threat of curses, or negative energy, or demons, they will hold people hostage. Even when people go into a home to feel out spirits, the ones that jump to "demons" are doing the world a disservice.

Mostly I think many psychics forget to use a sense of ethics at all. A sense of morals. If they would not like someone doing it to them, they shouldn't do it to others.

Wednesday, September 5, 2012

The Ugly Part of Mind Reading

I have a situation where my children's principle was working against my children's success. So I went in to have a meeting.

In situations like this, it is very difficult being able to see into people. I know more than I should, so when I  try to correct the issue, I can't say "oh, and by the way.... I read your mind and I know your doing this just because you think I'm nothing but an unemployed housewife."

The first meeting; I wanted my children moved back a grade. The twins were premature and just weren't ready for school, so I wanted to correct a mistake I made. Instantly she thought that she could bully me into falling into any path she thought best.  Then she turned all Sibyl once she realised she couldn't bully me. She tried sweet and on my side, "but wouldn't it be best for the kids. They will get totally screwed up self esteem if they move back a grade."

That didn't work so she turned mean. I actually could see this big metal bar in her head lock down into place. Truly weird. You know how when you think you're about to get knocked over you will lock your knees? Kinda like that. She battened down her hatches and said to me...... "I'm not moving them." I said, "Then give me the paperwork to with draw them." She said, "Well what are you going to do with them?" I said, "I'll homeschool for now. I have options." Here it comes....... her response to me.... and she was really proud of herself for this one.... "YOU KNOW............. you are really going to screw your kids up that way." In her head she actually thouht she had me over a barell with that comment. Somehow I was just going to suddenly give in and scream, "Oh My God, your right! I must save my kids by letting you mold them for me."

NUTBALL woman. This situation isn't even the point. The fact that loud thinkers, arrogant people, and assholes all project their thoughts. I have accidently repeated a person's thoughts back to them before. When I go off the deep end and loose my temper my walls fall down and I can't help it. That is why I don't fight with friends. The person I did this to was at a store. The lady behind me in line got her panties in a bunch because she had to wait for me and my kids to check out. I had a huge months worth of groceries. She had about ten items. She started talking to the person behind her. Let me just mentioned that she could have gone through the express line or the self check-out. Anyway, she was talking to the lady behind her who was clearly embarassed by this woman. I could hear everything she said. She was griping about my kids making it take too long to check out. They were talking to the bagger and clerk. My daughter wanted to help.

Suddenly I caught her screaming thoughts. So I turned to her and said, "Do you seriously think that I followed you around to cut in front of you just to make your day miserable? Wow, that is messed up. I assure you, my day has nothing to do with you." The lady behind us all laughed. She turned several colors then left the line. Okay I admit it, that was a bit fun. But I really don't try to do it.

Another time I was at the airport. I was on the way to my grandmothers funeral with my parents. There was a line of people in front of the seats we were sitting in. We were just waiting, our plane wasn't even there yet. This young lady stood about 2 feet in front of me bitching about the line not moving. Her plane was boarding. I say bitching because she was cussing up a storm. I sat there and listened to her call people names in line and yell at the airport personell and carry on like a brat. She was about 16 or 17 years old. I finally lost it and took a look in her head. She was freaking out because she doesn't like people touching her. From what I saw her uncle had been and still was sexually abusing her. That calmed me down real quick. It also reminded me that we all have our own journey's. You know never know why people act the way they do, so you should give them a little freak out room.

Monday, July 23, 2012

Stealing is stealing is stealing is stealing is stealing

Recently I have started to follow a good many authors. Several are extremely friendly and talk to me like I'm a real friend. At least two that I know live near me, I think I could be real friends with them. One of them encouraged me to enter a writing contest, although I am not sure she knows she did. I like to support new authors, I can only imagine how scary it must be and how you can easily slide into a funk if you don't take off right away, or start to think your work sucks.

Anyway, I friended several authors on facebook, and then several started friending me, then a few editors and publishers. Before I knew it I am in the middle of the author world. These are really amazing people. They put a part of their soul into each book. I know the book I am attempting to write has some very personal tidbits in it, but if you didn't know me personally you would never know what parts they are.

One of the things that recently came up in this circle of the publishing world is pirated books. It was wrong when music was being downloads illegally, the government went after 80 year olds and 6 year olds, charging outrageous fines. I remember Metallica had a huge backlash of some of their fans over pressing forward with lawsuits and pushing forward for criminal action to be taken. The same thing with pirating movies. So now the new thing is ebooks.

All of this got me thinking. Plenty of people said things like "I can't afford to buy all the books I want." "The publishers are at fault for making them too expensive." "The book stores jack them up when a book gets too popular and they know that everyone wants to read it while it is popular" and just can't wait to read it now, or go to the grocery store and get it 25% off.

And this is what I have decided. I have never illegally downloaded any music or movies. I wouldn't do it with a book. I get free books aplenty on Amazon, all legal like! I wasn't raised to steal, and this is stealing. So why do people do it. Well my answer would have to be.... because we live in hell. This is it. There are those of us that live to add something a little better to the world. Put a smile on others faces, remind them of love or excitement in their youth. Maybe we just want to let someone know that they are thought about kindly, or thought about at all.

Then there are the ones that don't care. They are more concerned in how to get theirs. No matter what. They suck the life out of what ever they can and usually that means they get what they want, when they want, and damn the consequences. They don't care that someone put their lives into something wonderful, they only want their immediate gratification, and certainly don't want it to be taking money out of their pocket. SO if they can support others that do the same thing, immediate gratification by cheating to supply others with immediate gratification, they all seem to find each other.

The question then becomes; If a person has in the past participated in an action that is wrong, be it illegal in the truest sense or what would be considered open for "civil action." They know they did wrong. Everyone makes mistakes.

But at what point do you remember that we all have a moral compass, we all have the inner whispers of what is right. Do you become the person you want to be? Or..... Do you remain the person you have settled to be?

I remind myself everyday to Remember The Person I Want to Be. I don't want to be a cheater, liar, or a thief. I don't want to be a mother that teachers her children that is allowed in even the smallest degree.

And I'm sure invairably someone will put that on a plaque or a t shirt and tell the world they came up with the saying "Remember the person you want to be." Nope it was me, I've been telling myself and friends that for years now. But it is so much easier to steal. (sarcasm)

Monday, July 9, 2012

Ghosts Are Not Evil

I had a friend of my sister's ask her if I could come look at her house. She had toys moving around and weird smells. A mutual friend of theirs told the home owner that she had a demon.

I went to look around the house and it was very interesting. I love to do this sort of thing because I am curious if I will actually pick up on something. I guess I still occasionally doubt that I'm not just completely insane. LOL Both times they thought they had a "demon" or an "evil entity." Both times it was just a misunderstood spirit. That happens more times than not.

The first house I visited, my sister's friend, there were two spirits there. One was a little boy. He was really adorable and kept peeking at me around corners. Sadly he was hit by a car right in front of this house. She had kids that this little dead boy was drawn to. He just wanted to play, which is why the toys kept moving. There was another spirit there too. This is the one that made them think they had something evil. He is a teenage boy that is very protective of the little one. He is a typical brooding teenager. He was angry that he was stuck here. He never did anything but his emotions were very strong. If a person has any tiny bit of sensitivity at all, they will pick up on the emotion and become unnerved by it. I just asked him to calm down. It was okay to leave. He thought it was funny to make the bathroom smell like sewage. Typical pissy teen.

The second house a woman told me that there was a demon that lived upstairs and she didn't like going up there. Her fiance' was being attacked. As it turned out, after I visited and spoke with the spirit, a woman was beaten to death by her boyfriend and died (not in the house). She was angry that another woman would live with a man in the same house, under the same circumstances. The spirit kept calling the homeowner "stupid," she was stupid for living with a man. After I explained that he was a good guy and needed to leave them alone, she understood and calmed down. She really thought she was protecting this woman.

So often the TV shows like to push the idea of evil ghosts. People like to be scared so they give them something to be scared of. Many of the shows like to use EVP's (electronic voice phenomena) The thing is... they don't catch the entire statement. If you have heard these EVP's you will hear choppy statements, one word, and nonsensical things that the show then interprets for us.

For example, "Get out." The TV shows would have you believe that this means the spirit wants them to leave. However if you could hear the entire statement they are probably saying something like, "Help me get out." When they hear, "Die." It may just mean, "I didn't want to die." So often when EVP's catch children. They are looking for their parents, or asking to go home, saying they are scared. But that would break people's hearts, so they don't show that on these shows.

I think it is extremely irresponsible for these shows to only show the scary side of spirits. I think that is why Ghost Hunters is the only one I like. They are always telling people there is nothing to be afraid of. That is a much more responsible way to approach hauntings and spirit interactions. I'm lucky that I have spirit guides that tell me when there is more to see.

Thursday, June 28, 2012


My children's birthday is this month. I wrote a book about the process of carrying them in my body. I even had several publishers interested in it. But then life got in the way and I got busy and put it down. I've picked it up several times but keep thinking I don't have enough for a book. How long is long enough for a book? I only carried them for 7 months.

They were triplets for the first two months. Sometime in the third month,  I lost the third. They told me from the beginning though that the third was not a "viable pregnancy." It didn't really bother me so much as it probably would most people.

That is because I was already talking to my babies. Baby C was going to be a girl, but she wasn't ready. Then she changed her mind and came to me as a boy. My next pregnancy was a single baby, a little boy. I say little because he is the size he would have been, had he been the triplet. Smaller than the other two.

I almost died when I had the twins but I knew the third baby was waiting for me so I knew I would have him anyway. I almost died when I had him too. My body went through hell, but I knew my spirit and spirit of my children were already connected. I was too important to them to let me leave and they were too important to me for me to leave them alone.

I think it has more to do with my understanding of spirit, why I survived. I'm not afraid to die. I'm just afraid of not doing my job here first. To take care of my children and make sure they are little people that grow up to be big people that will make a difference in this world. Even if it is in some small way. Being kind to other people, helping the helpless, or doing something big. Maybe they will end war, or hunger? I don't know, I just know it is my job to prepare them to be that kind of person.

When I was pregnant I talked to them all the time. They were in spirit for different times for each of them. The third baby was around until I was about nine weeks pregnant, then she told me she was ready to leave me now, she had things she needed to do before she could come back to me. Then she was gone. The physical part of her didn't pass until I think I was about 12 weeks.

The second baby took his time. He talked to me, my guides told me he would be a hand full. I would have to keep an eye on him because he was going to get hurt a lot and hurt the other ones just because he was so excited with life. That is who he is to this day. He entered the little body I was holding for him at about 6 months. He was waiting. His twin sister though, was ready much sooner. It was about 4 months when she jumped into the little body I was holding for her. She was to be first born, she wanted to be there first, and she wanted to be closer to me. Yes she told me that. She was going to be my baby girl. My only baby girl and there is a special bond in that.

My guides told me she was going to be wicked smart like her Daddy but a real stinker like me. Snarky sense of humor and gifted. I think she is really funny, and she is the one that see's spirits without being afraid of them. Nothing "other worldly" scares her. He just rolls with it and thinks it is part of life. She was stunned when I told her not everyone perceived the world the way we do. Not everyone can see and talk to spirits. She said she was sad for those that can't. My son is a bit intimidated by it. I just reassure him it is ok. If he doesn't want to see that part of the world then just tell them to leave them alone. She remembers I think. She tells me all the time she chose me. He doesn't understand what she is talking about.

So I beleive the "mind wipe" most people go through when they are born, worked on him, but not on her so well. I know it didn't work so well on me either. I remember two past lives vividly and part of one other. I remember little sparks of living as spirit. But from what my guides tell me I wasn't in that form for long. I choose to come back to complete my lessons. This is the last time I will be a human though. That I tend to believe. I almost feel like I am of much more use to people as a comforting force than as an actual person.

Wednesday, June 13, 2012

A "Special" Person

I am just stunned that I am such an odd person. That my behavior is so out of the normal that I would be called "special." For the record I'm not speaking of talking to dead people. I think that just makes me weird, not special. (see my previous post)

I have had several conversations with my Dr. where he has said to me, "Your my hero." "You don't take it from anyone." "You can handle anything that comes your way." "If anyone will make a difference in this world it will be you." That makes me so sad. And frankly a little mad.

This Dr. is a shrink. If you had a child crawl into bed with you in the middle of the night and look down to see who it was to find it a dead child...... you would being seeing a head doctor too. LOL She didn't stick around, I asked her to go find her own mommy. Which she did with a giggle. Yes, is was a bit creepy.

Back to my point. I'm weird..... not so special...... but he keeps telling me that I'm one of the rare people that stands up and does what is right no matter what. I can't possibly be that rare of a person, can I? He asked me what I was like when I was younger. I assumed this is something that just shows up when your a Mom and have to throw yourself in front a bus for your kids.

I remember two things from High School. I wouldn't have thought anything about these things because they were not a big deal to me at the time. A bunch of kids were watching a fat girl at the end of the hall and making nasty comments. I stepped in front of them and told them "to stuff it," "shame on you," "I hope you all get warts"...... That sort of thing. The other thing that stood out in my mind was after an assembly of some kind. The Principle was introduced to dismiss the students and almost everyone boo'd at him. WTH? When he stepped away from the podium, I walked up to him and apologized for all the idiots I went to school with. That was so wrong and unnecessary. He said it comes with the territory. How sad is that!?

So now, I have a situation where I may be put into a position to .... uh...... I don't know, take on a cause? More like go to battle really.  My doctor keeps telling me that I need to do it. I told him I didn't know if I had the emotional stamina to do this. He said, "Oh if anyone does, you do." But what if I don't want to? No one else is going to. If someone else was going to, they would have already, right?

So the whole "special" people thing. Don't we all teach our children to be nice to each other? I guess not, then we wouldn't have bullies. But don't we at least tell our children what is right and what is wrong? Uh..... I guess then we wouldn't have full jails.

I'm not the perfect parent by far. I'm sure some parent would tell me I'm really screwing my kids up. I tell them there are A LOT of stupid people in the world. "Stupid people don't mean to hurt you, but they aren't paying attention so we have to be smarter, and pay closer attention than everyone else." I also tell them that there are mean people out there and that you have to protect and stand up for anything smaller and weaker than you are, people or animal.

I know that my kids and I can both have "mean" moments. I don't like people sometimes But....... WTH? Really? Why? Does everyone like living in a society where everyone is ready to run you off the road for getting to the green light first? I certainly don't. I am always reminding myself that everyone has their own path. I don't know what their lesson is. Don't take it personally. Maybe that person is driving so slow because they just lost a loved one and is in shock.

I stopped a lady from picking up her kids after school one day because I believed her to be drunk. Forget about the fact that she could have gotten into her car and killed MY kids, what about her kids? I know I am not the only one who noticed, but no one else said anything. She couldn't even walk for cripes sakes!

WOW. When did people just stop caring? That is a real question by the way.

Rude is the new normal apparently.

Sunday, June 10, 2012

Why I don't have psychic friends

I used to be embarrassed by my "gift." Sometimes I still am. I don't advertise the fact that I talk to dead people. I once had someone tell me that they could see how people would think I was psychic because I am very observant. You know, like that show The Mentalist? I can't argue with that. I do notice things other people don't pay attention to. I love to study people.

Years ago I spent some time doing the Psychic Phone Line thing. This is the reason I don't have psychic friends. I was exposed to so many fakers, liars, cheaters, and the ones that genuinely do have the gift used it to take advantage of people. My "mentor" actually told me to "fake it, if you don't know just go with it." I can't do that. Above all I believe in personal integrity. If I didn't know, I would tell them. If I got images that I didn't understand I would explain to them what I saw then tell them it was up to them to figure out. Sometimes I sounded a lot like a fortune cookie. LOL

I am psychic in all the ways that word entails. I hear, see, dream, have visions, have spirit guides, can speak to the dead, see the future, see the past, pick up on peoples emotions, and sometimes even hear their thoughts. I always have my wall up though. Unless I'm invited, I never look in on someone. If there is a situation that I absolutely must be aware of, my guides will tell me. To me, sneaking a peek into someones mind is tantamount to rape. Your invading them in a very intimate way. I have discovered that 80% of "psychics" have little to no scruples. 75% to 80% of those are just outright liars and fakers.

I am naturally a skeptic. Just because I can see the dead, doesn't believe I think every Orb is a spirit. Sometimes it is just dust, or a bug. Just because there is a weird reflection in glass doesn't mean that your seeing a ghost. Weird noises can just be weird noises. I don't know how many times I have been told that something evil was in someones home. Ghosts are usually misunderstood when they actually are around.

I was very disappointed when I was introduced to the world of psychics. Sadly what should be a very uplifting and loving atmosphere is very dark. All about the money. My Grandmother once told me that taking money for your gift taints it. I thought she was wrong at the time. Not anymore.

While working the phone though, I did get a great deal of validation. I had a woman walk into my living room one day while doing a phone reading. She was decapitated, carrying her head under her arm. I ask the lady on the phone why a woman just walked in carrying her head. She told me her niece was decapitated in a car accident.

The worst validation I have received is also why I don't always see this as a gift. Someone in my life abused her kids. I called the authorities a number of times. She had four children. I was driving down the road one day and had a vision. It shook me to my core. The family was at a funeral, the casket was about 18 inches long. I called my mother and told her that this woman was going to kill her baby. I screamed and yelled and called the authorities. I told anyone who would listen. I begged for help. The baby was six weeks old when she killed that tiny soul.

I've also noticed that most people ask about the stupidest stuff. "Am I going to win the lottery?" "Is my man cheating?" First, no one who asks is ever going to win the lottery. Second, if you have to ask, then yes he is cheating on you. I tell anyone that asks me to take a look at something for them, more than believing me, you have to believe yourself.

We all have the intuition to run our lives in a healthy way. We all have that little voice, you just have to learn to listen to it. If your suspicious, there is a reason. If you think, I need to grab that umbrella, it will probably rain. If you get an itch to check your baby's temperature, there is a reason. Just listen. But listen to YOU.

Thursday, May 10, 2012

The Soul of Gay Marriage

When a hetero sexual couple meets and claims that they have met their soul mate, everyone thinks it is so sweet. I know that it isn't a psychic thing to see soul involvement behind love. When a man and a woman pledge their love to each other, it is assumed and often flat out said that they pledge their love, fidelity, heart, and soul to one another.

I have so many different feelings and thoughts on the subject of Gay and Lesbian marriage. I tend to over feel and over think everything though. I will just start with; WHY NOT? Why? Why do so many feel they should have a say in who marries who? Because the church told them to? Because their friends told them to?

My feeling about this is that a great deal of the noise over the opposition of these marriages, is just noise. These are a great deal of people that are "going along." Just like in generations before, there is a social issue that so many know is wrong, but the most dangerous are the objectors. I also feel that these objectors are working from a place of anger, ignorance, and fear. That is a very dangerous place to be, it makes them dangerous people. The objectors to social improvement's often are the ones tying the nooses, the ones holding the bats, the ones carrying the rocks. The one that "don't want to get involved" see this and just "go along." Fear creates an awful lot of cowards. Cowards create an awful lot of bullies.

The reason I am pontificating about this today is because of the announcement by President Obama yesterday. I have feelings and thoughts about that too. Let me just say for those who don't know, I am not a fan of Obama. My feelings on him are a completely different subject however. Today I'm talking about his impact on the LGBT community.

NOT A THING. He believes; in my connected opinion, that he has had his President Lincoln moment. That his words are so profound that it will change the course of LGBT history. It won't, and this makes me greatly sad. He is, once again, working the room with a political hot button that he can exploit.

I personally believe, although some of my guides would only half agree with me, that he hasn't done ENOUGH. His saying that he "personally believes that Same Sex marriages should be legal," is wonderful. It is about time that someone with real power over the way history is written and the shape a country can take, speaks up! He just missed his opportunity.

Lincoln stood up and said 'IT IS WRONG TO ALLOW SLAVERY! All men are created equal, and we should fight for what the soul and heart knows is right.' Obama said, 'I believe this is right, but I'll leave it up to the States.' So he is removing the power behind his words. He will take credit, but fears any criticism.

He took half a step, instead of the two steps she should have taken, could have taken. He should have stood up and stated proudly, "This is a case of discrimination, this is a civil rights issue, this is an issue the federal government will say is wrong." Then it turns into how much do you believe the federal government should interfere in people's lives? When is the federal level or state level appropriate? The States are beginning to come down against LGBT marriages. They are wrong, so in my belief, when the teenagers (the states) are making the wrong decisions, the parent (the federal government) should redirect them to the right choices. Other than that, leave them alone.

Now back to the way I see LGBT communities. I have met some self hating gays, I have met some self hating Jews, I have met some self hating women, and blacks, and any other type of person you can put in there. Self deprecating self haters will always say the worst of themselves and be harder on themselves than anyone else ever could be. The self hatred is a lesson they are here to learn about, For. Them. Selves.

I see people as their soul. What are the lessons they are learning this time around? Being LGBT is not a lesson (in most cases) to be learned in a lifetime. I see LGBT's as being the most pure of souls. They love, they want to feel love, and experience it without judgement and exclusions. Why is that wrong. Love should not be dammed in and shielded from the world. This world could use more love, not less.

When people love purely, not conditional upon race, age, or gender, there is so much more capacity for greatness. The kind of love that we celebrate as Fairy Tales, and historical lessons, and even religious ante dotes, is what the blind are missing in this issue.

For some reason the human condition seems to be hard wired to immediately jump to "sex" in a relationship. I don't care what anyone is doing in their bedroom, I don't want anyone knowing what I'm doing in my bedroom, but more than that...... this isn't the real issue here. Marriage isn't about sex, plenty of married couples never or rarely have sex. LOL Really....

Obama saying that it was not a civil issue boggles my mind. I'm pretty sure I remember going to the city courthouse to get my "civil marriage licence." Doesn't that all by itself, make this a civil issue? I didn't get married in a church, I didn't feel the need. I'm extremely spiritual, not religious. I know that the universe and God love me, even if I don't ask the Church to bless me and my marriage. In many states, this is about the civil licence being with held and denied LGBT's

So let me reiterate. All my LGBT friends are easily some of the most amazingly loving people on the planet. It hurts me that people think of any of them as a "less than person" because of who they love. If all people are equal in the eyes of our government, why can't our Black president say so? I really do feel that soon, people will start waking up. They will see what is basically just the Church trying to retain control. When people are asked if we should allow LGBT marriages they say they don't care, when they are asked if there should be a law, they are disinclined to disagree with the Church. The Church will change with the times, they have in the past. They have many many many times. There are already plenty of Churches that don't have a problem with the lifestyles at all.

Tuesday, January 24, 2012


What motivates you? Do you even know?

I'm not talking about what gets you out of bed in the morning. That would be my children. In fact my children and family are motivators for the large majority of my day to day. I talking about, what motivates your reactions, more than your actions?

Several years ago my son was running down a hill. At the bottom of the hill was a lake. There was a fence between him and me, but my brother was standing by the lake. My son was running right toward the lake and I hear a voice in my head say, "he's going in, there he goes, in he goes, (insert light giggle) ok, he is going in." I wasn't panicked at all. I wasn't even really concerned. And I really did think it was a bit funny. He was three at the time and didn't know how to swim. In he went, my brother reached over and pulled him out by the foot and we wrapped him up in a towel. It scared him, it shocked him, and he learned a great lesson. Don't dive into water when you can't swim and you don't know how deep it is. He won't do that again.

A little while ago my daughter was playing with the neighbor, the mother came over upset that "the girls were missing." I saw a perfect movie of our neighborhood from a birds eye view and I knew exactly where they were. They walked around the block. The shouldn't have, it was wrong, they got in trouble, but I never panicked. I never thought they were in real danger. I knew when my daughter left to play that something was going to happen. I just didn't know what.

My guides, my inner voice, my intuition, the universe, what ever you want to call it; motivates me, guides me. So lately I've had a niggling feeling to "prepare." It is probably silly, but no harm can come from it so here I am.

For some reason that I can't name, I am being motivated or guided to buy things I normally wouldn't use on a day to day basis. I have a hurricane kit, but now I'm being drawn into making it much larger. I've purchased water purifying kits, rain water barrels, flint and fire starters. I've begun planning a vegetable garden, and thinking about what foods will store longer. I have so much rice and beans that my family would eat for 3 months. I hate beans by the way. I keep seeing those post apocalyptic movies in my head, where people can't find anything to eat, so they roast rats over a spit. I've started thinking about if the world completely fell apart what is the first thing I would run out and get? Medicines. I have several guns, but I'm purchasing a hand gun. I am a very good shot. I know I could protect my family. These are all things I've been doing and am motivated to do, without thinking about. I'm just moving in that direction, like I'm being herded in that direction.

BUT...... when I stop and think; when I look at the world logically; when I open myself up to everything and try to pull it all together; I only really expect a couple days of an "emergency event." What I worry about it stupid people. The great masses that completely fall apart when the world doesn't move along the status quo. The people that riot when the power is out for three days, that panic when the Internet goes down for a week, the people that steal TV's even when they can't possibly plug it into anything. The stupid people.

I don't follow the starts (astrology). I don't believe in dooms day prophesies.  I don't think the end of days is coming. I don't believe that Mayans thought the world would really crack open and end in 2012. However, I do think something is coming. As much as I move on intuition and my guides, I am logical and skeptical. And this is what I have been watching.

Did you know in 2012 their is going to be a planetary alignment that only happens something like, every 26 THOUSAND years? Most people don't. This is real science. So if you have all the planets lined up in a nice little row, what will happen? That is the tricky part! No one knows. The experts don't know. No, I don't think that the poles will shift, a common dooms day theory. No, I don't think that the skies will rain down fire and brimstone. I don't even think that there will be much reaction from the Earth at all. I do think we will loose some satellites maybe, and/or cell towers, and/or electricity. It could be three days, three months, or three years. I don't think this absolutely has to be a catastrophic event. BUT...... you mix stupid people in there and you have hell with shards of glass running around blind bumping into everyone..... Even if you remove any outside factor at all, I still fee like I have to gather food, prepare for a storm, and be ready to bunker down. I don't believe there can be any harm in preparing for the unforseen.  

My plan is to take care of my own. If it gets bad and you know me, you can join my compound, but you have to be useful. (I'm kidding) (sorta)

And Ammo, don't for get ammo!

Monday, January 16, 2012

Are You Prepared?

I'm not talking about the end of the world or anything that cryptic, although I'm prepared for that too. I'm talking about all your life experiences preparing you for future experiences. It seems to me that all the things I've lived through thus far is building me up to strengthen me for things coming after.

When I'm in a group, or in the classroom, or even in a message board, sometimes I don't share everything. I am a person of a thousand stories. You mention a topic and I have a story to relate. I realized early on though, not everyone wants to hear your stories. I didn't want to be that person that "one ups" everyone else. We all know that person. No matter how bad your day, she has worse. No matter how great your news, she has better. I didn't want to be that person, so sometimes I just don't share.

I do however, have a story for everything. I was spending the night at a girlfriends in Jr. High when someone tried to break into her house. Her dad held a gun to the guys head and told him to yell to his friends that ran behind the house, then for them all to get he hell out of here. What a thing for a kid to witness. I've killed a chicken, I've birthed a kitten, I've stepped on a rotting cat. Not the usual things a kid might have seen or done. I've kicked a boy in the eye, I've kicked a man in the chest, I've split open three different boy/men's heads in different ways. I even split a mans lip by punching him in the face.  I am not even a violent person. Life just seems to happen so that I have been able to protect myself.

Seriously, a story for everything. I look at it as my weird stories and happenings as preparing me. I don't know for sure what is coming but I know now, what ever it is I can handle it. Looking back at all the pain I've endured, the emotional stress I've survived, the things I've done to look back on...... wow. Even looking at the illnesses I've had. I've had asthma, cured, hypoglycemia, cured, cracked my head open, survived that without stitches. I still have a bald spot from not getting my head sewed up, but I survived having alcohol and peroxide poured over my head. OUCH! I've had laser surgery with no anaesthesia, I've woken up while they were putting the breathing tube into my throat during surgery, I had pins pulled out of my foot with out anaesthesia. Everyone of these I had a doctor and/or nurse ask me, "Didn't that hurt?!" Uh.. YEAH! but I didn't really have a choice, or didn't think I did.

Now I look at my daughter and I am completely confused by my reactions to her. My boys are boys, and they are wonderfully healthy. I see my daughter going down my same path that I did. I have very mixed feelings about that. She is the one that came to me and told me she talks to "spirits" all the time. I didn't give her that word, she came up with that. I have been very careful not to put ideas into their heads. They need to know about their gifts, not imagine them from mine. She has had painful events in her short life. Ecoli at 3 months, eye surgery at 6 months, constant vomiting starting at 4 years, now her CVS (cyclic vomiting syndrome) she has severe stomach pain, blurred vision, sensitive hearing and moodiness. She actually deals with it very well. She is becoming so mature for only 6. I worry, but at the same time I  believe she may just be taking her journey. All I can do is support her on that journey. Be here for her when she needs someone to hold her up. And wonder, what is this preparing her for in the furture.