Monday, July 9, 2012

Ghosts Are Not Evil

I had a friend of my sister's ask her if I could come look at her house. She had toys moving around and weird smells. A mutual friend of theirs told the home owner that she had a demon.

I went to look around the house and it was very interesting. I love to do this sort of thing because I am curious if I will actually pick up on something. I guess I still occasionally doubt that I'm not just completely insane. LOL Both times they thought they had a "demon" or an "evil entity." Both times it was just a misunderstood spirit. That happens more times than not.

The first house I visited, my sister's friend, there were two spirits there. One was a little boy. He was really adorable and kept peeking at me around corners. Sadly he was hit by a car right in front of this house. She had kids that this little dead boy was drawn to. He just wanted to play, which is why the toys kept moving. There was another spirit there too. This is the one that made them think they had something evil. He is a teenage boy that is very protective of the little one. He is a typical brooding teenager. He was angry that he was stuck here. He never did anything but his emotions were very strong. If a person has any tiny bit of sensitivity at all, they will pick up on the emotion and become unnerved by it. I just asked him to calm down. It was okay to leave. He thought it was funny to make the bathroom smell like sewage. Typical pissy teen.

The second house a woman told me that there was a demon that lived upstairs and she didn't like going up there. Her fiance' was being attacked. As it turned out, after I visited and spoke with the spirit, a woman was beaten to death by her boyfriend and died (not in the house). She was angry that another woman would live with a man in the same house, under the same circumstances. The spirit kept calling the homeowner "stupid," she was stupid for living with a man. After I explained that he was a good guy and needed to leave them alone, she understood and calmed down. She really thought she was protecting this woman.

So often the TV shows like to push the idea of evil ghosts. People like to be scared so they give them something to be scared of. Many of the shows like to use EVP's (electronic voice phenomena) The thing is... they don't catch the entire statement. If you have heard these EVP's you will hear choppy statements, one word, and nonsensical things that the show then interprets for us.

For example, "Get out." The TV shows would have you believe that this means the spirit wants them to leave. However if you could hear the entire statement they are probably saying something like, "Help me get out." When they hear, "Die." It may just mean, "I didn't want to die." So often when EVP's catch children. They are looking for their parents, or asking to go home, saying they are scared. But that would break people's hearts, so they don't show that on these shows.

I think it is extremely irresponsible for these shows to only show the scary side of spirits. I think that is why Ghost Hunters is the only one I like. They are always telling people there is nothing to be afraid of. That is a much more responsible way to approach hauntings and spirit interactions. I'm lucky that I have spirit guides that tell me when there is more to see.

1 comment:

  1. This is so weird...the book I'm working on right now is about ghosts and a clairoyant! Funny, as I just met you. I'm sending this on to my Mom. She's had some interesting experiences with the spiritual world.
