Wednesday, June 13, 2012

A "Special" Person

I am just stunned that I am such an odd person. That my behavior is so out of the normal that I would be called "special." For the record I'm not speaking of talking to dead people. I think that just makes me weird, not special. (see my previous post)

I have had several conversations with my Dr. where he has said to me, "Your my hero." "You don't take it from anyone." "You can handle anything that comes your way." "If anyone will make a difference in this world it will be you." That makes me so sad. And frankly a little mad.

This Dr. is a shrink. If you had a child crawl into bed with you in the middle of the night and look down to see who it was to find it a dead child...... you would being seeing a head doctor too. LOL She didn't stick around, I asked her to go find her own mommy. Which she did with a giggle. Yes, is was a bit creepy.

Back to my point. I'm weird..... not so special...... but he keeps telling me that I'm one of the rare people that stands up and does what is right no matter what. I can't possibly be that rare of a person, can I? He asked me what I was like when I was younger. I assumed this is something that just shows up when your a Mom and have to throw yourself in front a bus for your kids.

I remember two things from High School. I wouldn't have thought anything about these things because they were not a big deal to me at the time. A bunch of kids were watching a fat girl at the end of the hall and making nasty comments. I stepped in front of them and told them "to stuff it," "shame on you," "I hope you all get warts"...... That sort of thing. The other thing that stood out in my mind was after an assembly of some kind. The Principle was introduced to dismiss the students and almost everyone boo'd at him. WTH? When he stepped away from the podium, I walked up to him and apologized for all the idiots I went to school with. That was so wrong and unnecessary. He said it comes with the territory. How sad is that!?

So now, I have a situation where I may be put into a position to .... uh...... I don't know, take on a cause? More like go to battle really.  My doctor keeps telling me that I need to do it. I told him I didn't know if I had the emotional stamina to do this. He said, "Oh if anyone does, you do." But what if I don't want to? No one else is going to. If someone else was going to, they would have already, right?

So the whole "special" people thing. Don't we all teach our children to be nice to each other? I guess not, then we wouldn't have bullies. But don't we at least tell our children what is right and what is wrong? Uh..... I guess then we wouldn't have full jails.

I'm not the perfect parent by far. I'm sure some parent would tell me I'm really screwing my kids up. I tell them there are A LOT of stupid people in the world. "Stupid people don't mean to hurt you, but they aren't paying attention so we have to be smarter, and pay closer attention than everyone else." I also tell them that there are mean people out there and that you have to protect and stand up for anything smaller and weaker than you are, people or animal.

I know that my kids and I can both have "mean" moments. I don't like people sometimes But....... WTH? Really? Why? Does everyone like living in a society where everyone is ready to run you off the road for getting to the green light first? I certainly don't. I am always reminding myself that everyone has their own path. I don't know what their lesson is. Don't take it personally. Maybe that person is driving so slow because they just lost a loved one and is in shock.

I stopped a lady from picking up her kids after school one day because I believed her to be drunk. Forget about the fact that she could have gotten into her car and killed MY kids, what about her kids? I know I am not the only one who noticed, but no one else said anything. She couldn't even walk for cripes sakes!

WOW. When did people just stop caring? That is a real question by the way.

Rude is the new normal apparently.

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