Sunday, July 25, 2010

My Head

Sometimes I get stuck in my head. I really don't know if other people get stuck like I do. If I get really drunk I can pull myself in and go somewhere else. It is like looking out a window. Everything I say and do, is like watching the weather outside the house I'm in. This may not even make sense to anyone but me. There is a place I go when I start wandering in my mind.

I usually will enter what looks like a campsite. I take a seat at a fire that is blue and white. It doesn't give out real heat, not like fire, but a soul warmth, more like love. It is a place of bonding, closeness, and energy that flows as one though all of us at the campsite. I'm not alone. My spirit guides are with me. I can talk to them anytime; in the grocery store, while I'm on the phone, when I'm meditating, while I'm giving someone a reading. When we are around the fire though, it is more like a family reunion. I can put my arms around them there. We talk about them and their lives, now and then. My world and theirs. Where we are I suppose would be what most people call Heaven.

In this place there is no worry, stress, hurt, or anger. My guides: Maddie, Edgar, Edward, Gwendolyn, and Samuel, connect me to everything else. The odd thing, if only one thing could be odd, is that I think Samuel is Mark Twain. He looks just like the pictures of Mark Twain, and one night when I was watching a show about Mark Twain's house he said, "I was so happy there." I say "I think" because he won't answer me out right when I ask if he is the same person. They all have wicked senses of humor. Maddie is the one that warns me when I'm not paying attention. She told me to pull over in the rain once. Ten miles up the road a semi truck jackknifed and took out 4 other cars. It would have been my car. Another time she told me to pull over then showed me getting hit by a dump truck. Not even 20 seconds later, 4 dump trucks ran a red light. She told me to get away from a guy one night when I went with my sister after a night of drinking. I ended up kicking him in the chest when he wouldn't take no for an answer.

My guides are the same thing that most people call intuition. We all have it; it is in every person. You just have to learn to listen. Think of a radio. If you have it tuned (but not perfectly) you hear the words, but you also hear a lot of static. I just happen to not have any static. It is tuned perfectly for me. I can also carry on a conversation with my radio.

Now if I could just give one of them to give me the lotto numbers.

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