Friday, July 30, 2010

My life of intuition

I live my entire life by my gut. My intuition guides me in all aspects of living. With my children I mostly ran on auto. With the twins they were sick, born  prematurely, so I was up ever 1 1/2 hours to give them medicine and feed them. It may have been my guides telling me which way to go, who to feed first, when to wake up, how to give them the medicine, it may have just been what ever part of me "knows." When they got a bit older and would both cry and fall apart, my intuition told me to put them in their cribs, make sure they were safe, and walk away. When a mother is at the brink and so frustrated and tired, that is when children get hurt. Because I would put them in their cribs when I was at my wits end, their cribs became their "safety zone." When they were scared they wanted to go to bed. Even at my mothers, when frustrated, they went to the cribs. I also believe that this is why they have always been such good sleepers. At 3 months they were sleeping 12 hours a night, and took two 2 hour naps a day. They are still very good sleepers. My intelligent didn't tell me as a new mother that it would all play out this way. A higher power did though, and I listened.

So I still run my life with my gut. Sometimes I forget to listen. I will look at my sweater and think, "I'll need that." Then I leave with out it. "Pay that bill today," I'll put it off, then it is late. I have tons of little things that I think I should have listened to myself. Thankfully when it really counts though I listen. Although, when it is really important my guides get pretty loud.

When one of my friends is hurting or needs to talk, I instinctively know I need to call them. I am very in tune with my close friends and know when they need to be alone too. So I run my friendships with my gut also. When to go shopping, when the kids are up to another mess, when the cats are sick, when my husband needs some extra loving, all through my intuition. I think I like the word "Intuition" much better than "psychic." But telling someone that I am an Intuit, usually just confuses them.

And so the point of this entry. Just like everything else in my life, my politics also are decided by my gut. I try not to talk specifics in politics because frankly, it makes me feel stupid. I know what I know. That doesn't work in more debates.  Even though I do pay attention, and know on paper why I feel the way I do, or vote the way I do, I forget details. I think because of all the meds. I took while I was in all that pain, I have swiss cheese memory. Most people use that as an excuse to think I just don't know what I'm talking about. Oh well.

So far in my life, living by my gut has worked exceptionally well for me. When I do something on a whim it always turns out to be the best thing I could possibly do. I recently went back to school on a whim. I feel like I'm really doing something, and can help people more effectively once I graduate.

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